1,838 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Kesehatan di SD pada hakikatnya mempunyai arti dan peran yang sangat vital dan strategis dalam upaya membangun dan mengembangkan potensi individual siswa. Hal ini dapat dimengerti karena siswa usia SD adalah kelompok masyarakat yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang yang memerlukan pembinaan dan bimbingan. Pendidikan jasmani di SD bertujuan merangsang pertumbuha, perkembangan jasmani, keterampilan gerak dan intelektual, mengingat siswa usia SD sangat menyukai aktivitas gerak. Untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan gerak, perlu didukung dengan pembelajaran gerak dasar dalam program pendidikan jasmani yang dikemas dengan benar sesuai dengan tungkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan siswa. Dengan memberikan variasi gerak dasar lari, lompat dan lempar diharapkan siswa lebih aktif bergerak dan meningkatkan keterampilan motorik dalam PJOK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi gerak dasar lari, lompat dan lempar terhadap peningkatan keterampilan  motorik siswa dalam PJOK pada siswa kelas IV SDN Made 4 lamongan dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh pada penelitian ini, sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas IV A dan kelas IV B dengan jumlah siswa 53 siswa, yang terdiri dari 27 siswa laki – laki dan 26 siswa perempuan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan desain one group pretest – posttest design. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari penerapan variasi gerak dasar lari, lompat dan lempar terhadap peningkatan kketerampilan motorik siswa dalam PJOK pada siswa kelas IV SDN Made 4 Lamongan. Hal tersebut berdasarkan hasil perhitungan prosentase peningkatan variasi gerak dasar lari, lompat dan lempar terhadap peningkatan keterampilan motorik siswa, untuk prosentase pada kelincahan 0,2%, pada koordinasi 0,5%, pada keseimbangan 0,6% dan pada kecepatan 0,3%.  Kata Kunci: Keterampilan motorik, Gerak dasar. Abstract The physical of education, sport and  health in elementary school basically encompass important  role in effort of building and developing student’s potential . It shows from the indicator of students in elementary grade is a typical of people that having a golden age to grow and develop, therefore they need an assistance. This education is purposed to initiate the development of student physical and movement skill. In order to maximize the movement skill, education basic skill is needed. Therefore, education of physical is being package properly based on the development level on each students. It can be inferred into presenting some varieties in basic activities such as running, jumping, and  throwing  in which it is purposed to motivate the students will be more active and enchant the skill in PJOK. The goal of this research is to know the impact of implementing some variation in basic action such as running, jumping , and throwing toward the skill of students in PJOK for students in IV grade Made 4 lamongan. It is also being purposed to find out the amount of impact for this research. The subject of this research is the students in class IV A and IV  B with the total of students is around 53. They are consists of 27 male and 26 female. The type of this research is false experiment with quantitative exposure and group pretest- posttest design. The result of this research is there is a significant impact from the implementation of variation  from basic action such as running, jumping, and  throwing toward the enhancement of movements skill in PJOK for the students in IV SDN Made 4 Lamongan.  It is from the result of the presentation from the enhancement variation of basic movements such as running , jumping , and throwing  toward movement skill of the students. The result is for  agility 0,2%, for  coordination 0,5%,  balance 0,6% and for the speed 0,3%.  Keywords : Motor skills, Fundamental

    Deep learning and localized features fusion for medical image classification

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    Local image features play an important role in many classification tasks as translation and rotation do not severely deteriorate the classification process. They have been commonly used for medical image analysis. In medical applications, it is important to get accurate diagnosis/aid results in the fastest time possible. This dissertation tries to tackle these problems, first by developing a localized feature-based classification system for medical images and using these features and to give a classification for the entire image, and second, by improving the computational complexity of feature analysis to make it viable as a diagnostic aid system in practical clinical situations. For local feature development, a new approach based on combining the rising deep learning paradigm with the use of handcrafted features is developed to classify cervical tissue histology images into different cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia classes. Using deep learning combined with handcrafted features improved the accuracy by 8.4% achieving 80.72% exact class classification accuracy compared to 72.29% when using the benchmark feature-based classification method --Abstract, page iv

    Understanding the meaning of politicisation of hte employment relationship through historical analysis

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    For more than one hundred years, Australian governments have supported the principle that the employment relationship of public servants should be independent of direct control by politicians. In recent decades, concern has been expressed that the independence of public servants has been undermined and that they have become politicised. Scholarly examination of the issue has been somewhat limited by the absence of a clear definition of what is meant by politicisation, with the term being associated both with the exercise of control over the human resource management (HRM) elements of the relationship as well as the tasks performed by public servants. The purpose of this paper is to establish a valid definition of politicisation through historical analysis of the patronage and the independent civil service systems of employment

    The Script and text of Ibn Quzmān’s Dīwān: some giveaway secrets

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    Depending wholly on internal evidence, this study sets out to show that the unique manuscript of Ibn Quzmān's Dīwān, published in facsimile by David de Gunzburg in 1896, is a dictated copy. It tries to show also that the copyist, who has often been blamed for corrections or classicizing emendations of the popular Andalusian text, was not qualified for such a "role". While he seems to have been a first class calligrapher, evidence is provided here that his knowledge of Arabic was not at all on a level with the standard of his calligraphy. He is shown to be responsible for the wide range of textual problems which have puzzled successive editors of the Dīwān. In sharp contrast with all this, Ibn Quzmān is shown to be an unrivalled master of Arabic and classical Arabic lore. He also seems to have had a remarkable "acculturation" in the Romance language. Apart from citing the evidence for these findings, this paper amounts to an illustration of how they can help towards a better reading and understanding of Ibn Quzmān's Dīwān.Basado enteramente en pruebas internas, este estudio se propone mostrar que el manuscrito único del Dīwān de Ibn Quzmān, publicado en edición facsímil por David de Gunzburg en 1896, es una copia dictada. Se indica también que el copista, a quien con frecuencia se ha culpado de introducir en el texto popular andaluz correcciones o clasicismos, no estaba bien equipado para desempeñar tal papel. Si bien era un calígrafo de primera categoría, se aducen pruebas de que su conocimiento del árabe no estaba a la altura de la calidad de su caligrafía. El estudio muestra que él fue el responsable de una amplia gama de problemas textuales que ha dejado perplejos a sucesivos editores del Dīwān. En marcado contraste, se muestra que Ibn Quzmān poseía un dominio magistral de la lengua árabe y de las tradiciones-árabes clásicas. Al parecer también había adquirido un alto grado de 'aculturación' en la lengua romance. Además de ofrecer las pruebas en que se basan estos asertos, el estudio constituye un ejemplo ilustrativo de cómo estas pruebas pueden ayudar a una mejor lectura e interpretación del Dīwān de Ibn Quzmān

    The Muwashshaḥāt and the Kharjas Tell their Own Story

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    The best way for understanding any literature, we are told, is by reading the literature itself, and not what has been said or written about it. This article, in four parts, is an attempt to study the muwashshaḥāt and their kharjasdepending, as far as possible, solely on the available texts. It arrives at three conclusions not altogether new to my readers: 1. The muwashshaḥāt were the product of the classical Arabic literary tradition, but their development is, inevitably, linked with specific political and social factors in the Andalusi milieu. 2. The kharja is a sally of ẓarf or hazl 'wit', 'wittiness' at the end of the muwashshaḥ. Woman's-voice kharjas in Romance, whatever the purpose they served, if they existed prior to the muwashshaḥāt, were, like their Arabic counterparts, meant to provide the same ẓarf requirement at the end of the muwashshaḥ. 3. Ibn Sanā' al-Mulk's reaction to the kharja was largely a psychological reaction, and not a considered literary one. The best way of knowing what Ibn Sanā' al-Mulk thought of the muwashshaḥāt is by reading the muwashshaḥs he wrote, and not what he had to say about the kharja.Se ha dicho que para entender una literatura lo mejor es leer sus obras, y no lo que sobre ella se ha dicho o escrito. Este artículo, en cuatro partes, es un intento de estudiar las muwashshaḥāt y sus kharjas, basado solamente, dentro de lo posible, en los textos con los que contamos. El artículo llega a tres conclusiones, no del todo nuevas para mis lectores: 1. Si bien las muwashshaḥāt fueron producto de la tradición literaria clásica árabe, su desarrollo se enlaza inevitablemente con factores específicos, políticos y sociales, del medio andalusí. 2. La kharja es una salida de 'ingenio' o 'ingeniosa', ẓarf o hazl, al final de la muwashshaḥ. Sea cual fuere su propósito de haber existido antes de las muwashshaḥāt, las kharjas de voz femenina en lengua romance, al igual que sus equivalentes árabes, tenían como función suministrar el mismo requisito de ẓarf al final de la muwashshaḥ. 3. La reacción de Ibn Sanā' al-Mulk hacia la kharja fue en gran medida una reacción psicológica, y no una respuesta literaria bien ponderada. La mejor manera de saber lo que Ibn Sanā' al-Mulk pensaba de las muwashshaḥātes leer las que él mismo compuso, y no lo que opinó sobre la kharja

    Two-year sealant survival in a high caries cohort at a graduate pedodontic clinic

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    Objectives: To assess the efficacy of resin sealants in children aged 6-12 years referred to one graduate pedodontic program located in the Middle East (2009-2010). Study Design: Data from a cohort of 110 patients with at least 2 erupted first permanent molars were included in this study. Dental health status was evaluated using the DMFs/t index. UltraSeal XT® Plus sealants (n=253 applications) were performed in presence of rubber dam isolation and survival carefully inspected and scored at 1 and 2 years. Cross-sectional examination of descriptives and bi/multivariate analysis followed. Results: Majority (63%) were males. Caries were diagnosed in 77.9% of children with only 1% deemed caries-free. Hence, mean DMFs/t was 9.3±6.1/7.2±5.1, respectively. At 2 years, 66% of sealants were completely retained and 11% completely lost. Analysis revealed higher sealant survival in mandibular teeth. Conclusions: Fluoride-releasing resin sealant is an effectual preventive tool especially in such a high carious population